H-L-18 Candlestands are very similar to the one- inch scale G-LC-12. This Half Scale Floor Candle Stand is available in two configurations: un-lit with fake candles or lit with electrified candles. A metal finial sits in the middle of the crossbar between the candles on each end. It sits on 3 legs assembled as a tripod. The finish is available as a “black wrought iron” or as a weathered dark tin finish.
H-L-18 – Two Arm Candle Stand – no light – It has a fake candle in the dish at each end of the arm. Price: $40.00
H-L-18e – Two Arm Candle Stand – 2 lights – This is the same candle stand as in H-L-18 but is electrified. The candles at the ends of the cross arm light.
The Candle Lights can be either 12-volt incandescent or LED. (LED lights – can be wired for 3volts or 12v). Price: $60.00